News – April 2020
Statement – ficonTEC implements recommendations to help combat Covid-19
Dear valued customers and partners,
we at ficonTEC are committed to showing and maintaining solidarity with the global efforts being made to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Our first and foremost responsibility is toward the health and safety of our employees and their families at all of our locations in Germany, Ireland, Estonia, China, Thailand and US, additionally to our customers, suppliers and business partners around the globe, but also to the relevant regional communities and their – sadly – overburdened (health) services. Overall, we feel that there are two main areas where ficonTEC can address these responsibilities.
Firstly, just as for a great number of other like-minded organizations around the world helping to slow the spread of Covid-19 and to protect our communities, we have embraced work-from-home recommendations as much as possible, divided the production workforce into time-shifted teams to best realize social distancing requirements, implemented compulsory #stayhome policies in high-risk areas, have adhered to self-quarantine orders for previous international travel and have suspended all unnecessary travel for the foreseeable future.
Secondly, our next level of priority is the continuation of day-to-day business and service-&-support operations with minimal impact on our customers’ expectations. We simultaneously intend to maintain a safe and secure environment for our employees into the foreseeable future, so that we can retain our talented workforce and be ready to ramp back up to normality and continue our growth path as soon as conditions allow. By continuing ‘business as usual’ as far as reasonably possible, we will automatically provide critical support for our employees and community, and for our customers and partners, both in the short and long term.
Finally, during these unsettling circumstances, ficonTEC is exploring alternative ways in which to properly serve existing customers and partners, as well as still being able to target potential new customers. Through greater utilization of professional online channels and by accelerating our adoption of digital communication and webinar/e-learning tools, we aim to keep the community informed of our product developments and of our technology break-throughs. Additionally, by making our capability offering more visible and accessible, we hope to provide a deeper inside understanding of why ficonTEC continues to remain your best one-stop-shop for all things #photonics_assembly_and_test.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
ficonTEC Team
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